Women in STEM Scholarship
We are passionate about building a better world for women and girls. The Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Scholarship is designed to help support women who want a career in these fields. We believe that there should be equal opportunities for women with thriving careers in STEM and access to leadership roles.
The Zonta Club of Denver will award a scholarship of $1,000 to the successful applicant. The club scholarship recipient will also be eligible to be granted a $5,000 scholarship at the district level. The Zonta Club of Denver is in Zonta International’s District 12, comprising 19 clubs in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota. The scholarships may be used for tuition, books, or living expenses at any university, college, or institution offering accredited STEM courses and degrees.
Women of any age and nationality, pursuing a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) degree program https://www.ice.gov/sites/default/files/documents/stem-list.pdf at an accredited university/college/institute, who demonstrate outstanding potential in the field and are living or studying in a Zonta district/region, are eligible. Online students are also eligible to apply if enrolled at an accredited university/college/institute.
Students must be enrolled in at least the second year of an undergraduate program through the final year of a master’s program at the time the application is submitted to the local Zonta club. Applicants must be in school at the time the scholarship funds are disbursed and must not graduate before April 2024.
Classified members and employees of Zonta International or the Zonta International Foundation, and their family members, are not eligible.
Application Process
The Women in STEM Scholarship program operates at the club, district, and international levels of Zonta International. To apply, you can download an application at https://zonta.org//womeninstem and submit it via email to pamela.staves@nullcomcast.net. If you have difficulty opening the application, please email zontadenver.zcd@nullgmail.com.
The application deadline for the 2023 Zonta Club of Denver scholarship is May 8, 2023.